This memory is the foundation of genuine ‘I am’, crushed by weight of external (foreign and surface) patriarchal values. Feminine is opposed to the masculine, as the unconscious to the rational. Feminine is infinitely, dynamic, transcendental and recondite. Being in constant formation, it avoids of the final understanding. Masculine - of course static and cognisable. Feminine is vital and creative. It is related with changeable body; naturally similar to life, which is a continuous formation by itself. It is thanks to the feminine, personality is able to feel the energy of the world, flowing from one form to another, and life-giving a body and subjects. Accordingly, even rituals, related with worship of the goddess of fertility, join the subject to the creative energy of the world, and return it to own body and genuine ‘I am’. Primordial power of being, expresses itself likewise through the person. In the values of matriarchal world is doesn't exist, the principle of authority, giving birth to the spirit of violence and rivalry. Here reigns Love, that enveloping everyone and connecting people in the organic unity, opening the possibility for genuine collaboration. In its turn, the masculine isn't hostile to human nature. Hostile only aggressive dominance in the culture. That breaks the harmony of male and female. Violation of this balance in favour of the first one once resulted to the decline of civilization and self-destruction that clearly demonstrated the world wars.